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Distributing a new release with Endelium

We are absolutely delighted that you want to distribute a new release with us!

This guide will show you all the steps that you need to complete so that we can make this happen for you.

1. Submit New Release Information Request #

Before we can start preparing all the assets for your release and submit it to the Digital Service Providers (DSPs), we need to gather a base level of information about the release from you. This enables us to provide you with an accurate quote for how much the service will cost and create the required records in our systems.

Click the button below to fill out our New Release Information Request (NRIR) form.

Submit NRIR

2. Accept quote and sign Distribution Agreement #

Once we have received your NRIR, we will contact you to discuss your release further and provide you with a quote.

After accepting our quote, we will send you a copy of our Distribution Agreement for you to sign and an invoice for the Engagement Fee (and any other costs) if applicable.

3. Send us your assets #

At this point, you will need to send us the assets for your release. This includes:

  • audio files
  • artwork
  • metadata

Please ensure that all assets are formed according to our Asset Requirements. Failure to meet our asset requirements may result in delays in distributing your release.

You can send us your assets via a service like WeTransfer, or just send us a link to a folder in cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox). Your Account Manager will confirm the submission process with you.

4. Get ready for release day #

Once we’ve received your assets, we can submit the release to the DSPs!

All you need to do now is wait for release day…

If you have any questions or concerns about any part of this process, please speak with your Account Manager or contact us and we’d be glad to help!