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Asset Requirements

The quality of all releases distributed through Endelium is of the utmost importance to us. In order to maintain our high standards and comply with Digital Service Provider requirements, we have devised the following Asset Requirements with which all releases must comply.

If you have any questions about these or anything else, please speak with your Account Manager or contact us and we’d be glad to help.

Audio Files #

Bit Depth16-bit or 24-bit (24-bit preferred)
Sample Rate44.1 kHz to 192 kHz (96 kHz and above preferred)
LUFsBetween -12 and -14 LUFS TP recommended

Artwork #

Size3000x3000 pixels (1:1)
ResolutionMinimum: 72dpi
Recommended: 300dpi
Colour modeRGB (NOT CMYK)
FilesizeMaximum: 50 MiB

Additional requirements:

  • The title presented on the artwork MUST match that in the metadata
  • Must not contain time-related information (e.g. the release date, “Exclusive”, “Out Now”, etc.)
  • Must not contain UPCs, QR codes or any other kind of barcode
  • Must not contain website addresses
  • Must not contain logos or trademarks for which you do not have the rights to use
  • Must not contain social media handles
  • Must not reference physical packaging medium (e.g. “Compact Disc” mark)
  • Must not contain inappropriate / adult imagery

Metadata & Lyrics #

All release metadata and lyrics must be formatted according to the Apple Music Style Guidelines.